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AI Lund lunch seminar: On Calibration algorithms for real-time brain-computer interfaces

Illustration. Brain conceted to old computer via usb cable suronding a stop watch.
Tid: 2024-02-07 12:00 till 13:15 Seminarium

Recording on ai.lu.se/tv.

Topic: AI Lund lunch seminar: On Calibration algorithms for real-time brain-computer interfaces

When: 7 February at 12.00-13.15

Speaker: Frida HeskebeckPhD student Automatic Control, Lund University

Where: Online

Spoken language: English


Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can revolutionize human-computer interaction as they allow for a direct interaction between the user’s brain and a computer. In this presentation, I will introduce BCIs and highlight the technical details of getting a working BCI. I will also present the research group I’m part of that works with BCIs here at Lund University. Finally, I will give an overview of my research on the calibration of BCIs.

Om händelsen
Tid: 2024-02-07 12:00 till 13:15


Jonas [dot] Wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se