LTHs app "LTH-guide" vann europeisk tävling!
– Publicerad den 3 september 2011

När Euprio Award avgjordes i Prag på lördagskvällen vann LTH-guide första priset i kategorin "New Media."
En jury bestående av kommunikationscheferna vid universiteten i Fribourg, Schweiz, CPE Lyon, Frankrike och Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet valde det LTHs bidrag bland 17 inskickade bidrag. Motiveringen lyder:
“It is called “a guide in the pocket” to help students and visitors get around in the campus and the town. Meaning that people can download on their mobile phones a complete timetable, with GPS coordinates to every lecture and their own coordinates so that they can be guided everywhere in the building.
I won’t give any more details about the project itself, I strongly encourage you to go and discover it on the website. Besides the innovativeness and the very practical aspect of this project, besides the fact that it came from 2 students and therefore replies to the needs of their fellow students, what we found absolutely amazing and remarkable is the time frame. It was presented to one of the vice-rectors in May 2010, the project was established in June 2010 and I hope you are ready for this, by August 20th 2010 yes, less than 4 months later, it was live! And of course now the project is a true success and they are developing and improving it with new versions, just like any normal IT application.”
Euprio (European Universities Public Relations and Information Officers) är ett samarbetsorgan för informatörer och marknadsförare vid europeiska universitet och sedan tre år tillbaka delar man också ut Euprio Award för bästa kommunikationsaktivitet under året.
LTH-guide är en applikation för iPhone och Androidtelefoner (och läsplattor) som hjälper studenter att hålla reda på sitt schema, hitta till föreläsningssalar, kaffeautomater, mikrovågsugnar, lunchställen, hålla reda på vad som händer i studentlund med mera.