Teaching Sustainability
Teaching sustainability is a course that aims at providing teachers who want to develop their teaching on sustainability with the opportunity to discuss and collaborate with peers on the topic, and to document their shared reasoning.
This could include developing whole courses, course modules or ways to include aspects of sustainability in any course. The course addresses several global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.
Course structure
The main component of the course is a project carried out in a group and addressing a teaching issue of relevance to the participants. The project is reported orally and in writing during the course and is to be of a quality that makes it suitable for reading by other teaching staff at Lund University. In addition to the project, the course consists of scheduled seminars intended to support the work on the report. Literature studies of relevance to the project are also included.
Participants create a product (e.g., a lesson plan, teaching material, list of sustainability aspects to be mentioned in a given course) and document the scientific basis of, and a critical reflection on, the product in a project report. For a pass on the course, participants must have attended the initial meeting and 75% of the scheduled activities, and also passed the project report.
To be admitted to the course, participants must normally have a first-cycle degree, and have completed the Introduction to teaching and learning in higher education course (or similar). Priority is given to teaching staff employed at LTH who have passed a general course in teaching and learning in higher education. Other teachers are welcome to participate, space permitting.
The course corresponds to 2 weeks full-time work. Note that you need to put in more work than just scheduled meetings.
Syllabus (PDF 256kB)
Kursplan (PDF 258 kB)
Course leader
- Mirjam Glessmer, mirjam.glessmer@lth.lu.se, senior lecturer and academic developer at CEE