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FAQ on exchange studies

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about exchange studies. Topics include the application process, eligibility criteria, and course selection. Click on the questions to view the answers.

To be able to apply for exchange studies, your home university must have a formal exchange agreement with LTH/Lund University.

The home university is responsible to nominate you for exchange studies. Once nominated, you can proceed with the application process. 

Dates for the application period are to be found under Exchange process: Key dates.  

No, regarding “Special Area Study" (SAS) courses you do not need to add an eligibility form. 

We strongly recommend adding at least one alternative course for each course, as a backup in case of clashes or not being accepted as your first-choice course.
For more information: How to generate your study plan

Your Learning Agreement can be signed, but if there is a course that not yet is confirmed at, it is a preliminary agreement, and we cannot guarantee that you will be admitted to the course. It is possible to update the Learning agreement at a later stage.

You do have the possibility to change courses, until the 5 January (Spring) and 13 August (Autumn). Please keep in mind that changing courses requires a lot of work for teachers and staff, so before making any changes, check the schedule and requirements very carefully. Send a new eligibility form to, including the new course/s you wish to add where it states your eligibility to the course/s. Verify the prerequisites and assume prior knowledge for each course.  

To be accepted for exchange studies at LTH, you must follow a full-time study plan of 30 credits each semester. Aim for a well-balanced study plan with an average workload of 15 credits in each study period. For more information: How to generate your study plan

No, regarding the EXTA-courses you do not need to add an eligibility form. 

Page Manager: | 2025-02-03