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LTH's Pedagogical Academy

University teachers (excluding postgraduate students) at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) are invited to have their teaching qualifications assessed with the aim of being accepted into LTH’s Pedagogical Academy. Those accepted will be awarded the distinction of Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP), and get an immediate rise in salary. Moreover, the department to which they belong will receive an increase in their undergraduate teaching grant. The rise in salary corresponds to what a senior lecturer gets upon promotion to a senior researcher (docent).

Applicants who wish to be admitted to LTH's Pedagogical Academy must show how they over a period of time, consciously and systematically have endeavoured to develop means of enhancing students’ learning in their discipline, and how they have made their own experience in teaching available to others within the academic community. Applicants must also be able to analyse and reflect upon their teaching practices with the aid of pedagogic literature and other sources of information, and show how they have used these to develop their thoughts concerning the teaching and the learning process.

The course Teaching Portfolio Workshop has no formal connection to the Pedagogical Academy, but is a course for all teachers wanting to increase their ability to write a well-thought-out and reflective pedagogical portfolio. The course follows the guidelines for pedagogical portfolios as they are described in the document on LTH's Pedagogical Academy (2017-11-20, see above) and within the framework of the course, the Pedagogical Academy will also be discussed. The course is part of the qualifying pedagogical education at LTH. 

Course page (opens in new tab)

ETP coaching

From mid-December to mid-January, CEE is offering support and coaching for teachers who are going to apply for ETP. This support is intended for those who have come a long way in their teaching career and have a well-developed pedagogical portfolio to start from. You must have completed the course Teaching Portfolio Workshop or the corresponding before the coaching.

This coaching is a two-step feedback process, where the first step involves collegial feedback based on LTH's criteria for ETP. After this, feedback is given by Elisabeth Nilsson and Jenny Schelin, both senior lecturers with many years of experience with the ETP process, and the assessment of pedagogical merits.

The coaching starts off with a workshop 3 December 2024 at 9:15-12:00. Register before 22 November by sending an e-mail to Elisabeth Nilsson.

To the same e-mail address you should also send your teaching portfolio - do this in connection with you registration or no later than 26 November. Before the worskhop on the 3 December, portfolios from all participants will be distributed so that each participant read two other portfolios. Thus, bear in mind that about a week before the first coaching occasion you need to set time aside to read and give feedback on two teaching portfolios.


Submit your application any time of the year, but as there is only one assessment period per year we need your portfolio no later than 31 January if it should be taken into consideration during the current year. Assessments are then carried out in March – May the same year.

Send your application as a pdf file to Head of departments send their statements separatly to the same address – marked with ETP, statement, year, and the name of the applicant.

Registration coaching

CEE is offering coaching in connection to ETP applications. Register no later than 22/11 by
e-mailing Elisabeth Nilsson.

See text to the left for more information about this coaching!

Note that you need to have attended the course Teaching Portfolio Workshop to be able to benefit from the coaching.

Page Manager: | 2020-12-10