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Teaching Portfolio Workshop

Note: Due to demand, this workshop in how to write a teaching portfolio will be instructed in English. However, participants will be able to chose to write their portfolio reflections in Swedish or in English, and also to receive feedback in either language.

The workshop is aimed to support university teachers who wants to develop the ability to reflect on their educational practices in order to improve them, and to document the merits of their conducted educational practices.

The portfolio writing workshop is an optional course within LTH:s course programme for university teachers. The documentation of pedagogical competence with the use of reflective teaching portfolios has become an established and validated assessment method during the past decades. In the teaching portfolio the university teacher describes and critically analyses his/her teaching practice with the help of concrete examples from performed teaching and supervision. Once a first version of such a portfolio is written, it is a good idea to frequently update and improve it, in order for the individual teacher to reflect and improve his/her teaching practices.   

Course structure

The course, which consists of three mandatory workshops, provides an overview of educational qualification systems within higher education, emphasising the creation of teaching portfolios (TPs). The main learning outcome of the course, that is the development of your own TP, is preceded by discussions about the purpose, structure, and content of a TP, including the reading of example-portfolios. Additionally, the assessment of TPs will be addressed. Central to all three course meetings are experience exchange among participants, with a focus on giving and receiving feedback.


The course requires a degree on university level, and it is recommendable that this is not the participants first course in teaching and learning in higher education.


The course/workshop corresponds to one week of training in teaching and learning in higher education within LTH:s course programme for university teachers. The three scheduled meetings are all mandatory.

Kursplan (Swedish pdf 277kB)
Syllabus (English pdf 314kB)

Course leaders

Elisabeth Nilsson,
Senior lecturer in Physics 
Academic developer at CEE

Jenny Schelin,
Associate professor in food microbiology
Academic developer at CEE 


This course is open for participants from the whole of Lund University, but in case the number of applicants is high
LTH teachers will be prioritised.

Next course starts in September - the registration for this course is now closed.


10/9 13:15-16, room Pepparholm at Studiecentrum

25/9 13:15-16, room Pepparholm at Studiecentrum

12/11 13:15-16, room O:104
at MNO-huset


3/12 9:15-12, room O:104
at MNO-huset


Note that CEE is offering coaching for those who intend to apply for ETP. This support is meant for those who have come a long way in their teaching career and have a well-developed pedagogical portfolio to start from.

It is a two-step feedback process, where the first step involves collegial feedback based on LTH's criteria for ETP. After this, feedback is given by Elisabeth Nilsson and Jenny Schelin, both senior lecturers with many years of experience with the ETP process, and the assessment of pedagogical merits.

Dates for coaching 2024/2025 are not yet decided.

In case you need more information, please contact the course leaders (contact details to the left).

Page Manager: | 2020-12-15