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Framing your research - thesis frames and knowledge contribution

Is it time to write your thesis frame (“kappa”)? Do you want to improve your writing?

This course is a good fit for you if you are at least halfway through your doctoral studies and want to take your writing to the next level.

Starting from how to formulate and structure the thesis frame (in a compilation thesis) or the introductory chapter (in a monograph), you will discuss central questions such as how your own research may contribute to knowledge and societal development. These questions are part of the learning outcomes for doctoral studies defined by the higher education ordinance, and form a natural starting point for writing the thesis frame.

Course structure

A central part of the course is to adapt your text according to purpose and audience. To inform the discussion of such concerns, we write and reflect on our own texts, provide feedback on each other's texts, and compare different types of academic texts.


To be admitted to the course applicants have to be part of a PhD programme at LTH. You should also have fulfilled your half-time seminar and the Introductory Worksshop for Newly Admitted PhD Students.


The course corresponds to 2 weeks of full-time work and entitles to 3 ECTS. We will meet on site at LTH for a number seminars during the semester - see current schedule to the right. To pass the course, you need to attend at least 80% of the scheduled meetings and have writen all texts needed.


Course leaders

Michael Cimbritz,
Senior lecturer and Academic developer at CEE/LTH

Lene Nordrum, 
Senior lecturer and Academic developer at CEE/LU


Next course starts in April 2025. Register before 13 March. 
Register here!


28 March 13:15-16
8 April 13:15-16
8 May 13:15-16


For more information - please contact the course leaders.

Page Manager: | 2024-04-09