Supervision of Degree Projects
Interested in supervision of degree projects?
This is a new and optional course within the qualifying programme in higher education at LTH. The course is aimed at both new and more experienced supervisors, both doctoral students and teachers.
The purpose of the course is to inspire participants to develop their knowledge about supervision to promote student learning. A main theme is reflection on the supervisor role with its challenges and opportunities. The course also covers formal frameworks and regulations for degree projects at LTH.
Course structure
In the course, we will work on identifying favourable processes to support students in completing their degree projects within given time frames, as well as discuss how these processes can be designed to promote learning. Participants examine and reflect on their own context, for example on local traditions for supervision, and discuss potential challenges, for example external collaborations, the relation supervisor and examiner, time frames and the writing process. We will also cover concrete tools for planning one's own and the students' work process, and for providing constructive feedback on various drafts of the degree project.
Participants meet for four workshops - between those meetings you hand in shorter partial tasks in the form of reflections based on relevant literature and own experience.
Admission to the course normally requires a degree at basic level, as well as the completion of an introductory course in higher education pedagogy or the equivalent. We want to encourage collaboration between teachers at the same department or within the same programme, why subtasks preferably can be completed in teams of teachers.
The course corresponds to 2 weeks of work. Attendance at 75% of the scheduled time and approved assignments are required for passing.
Syllabus (297 kB)
Kursplan (in Swedish, pdf 252kB)
The course is taught in English.
Course leaders
Michael Cimbritz,
Senior lecturer and Academic developer at CEE/LTH
Lene Nordrum,
Senior lecturer and Academic developer at CEE/LU