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Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

The aim of the course is to provide an overview of qualitative research methods with a specific focus on interviews and observations. The course will thus contribute to the participants knowledge about qualitative methods mainly used in social sciences. It will also enhance the participants’ ability to plan and carry out studies based on qualitative methods.

Course structure

The course is organised around course sessions that include presentations and discussions, which means all participants are expected to be active. An individual course project constitutes a central part of the learning process. This is a qualitative study which is reported and discussed at a seminar. The participant identifies a relevant research problem which can be linked to, or be part of, the participants own research. An adequate qualitative method is identified and used (observation, interview, or text). Course participants also develop their understanding of qualitative research methods trough reading and discussions of peer participants’ course projects.


To be prioritised for admission to the course, applicants have to be part of a doctoral programme. PhD students from LTH will be prioritised.


The course corresponds to 6 ECTS credits in third-cycle (PhD) studies (with Pass and Fail as available grades), if this is in line with the individual study plan.


Note that the course literature mentioned in the syllabus has been switched to: 
Flick, U.: An introduction to qualitative research (7th edition, paperback). Freie University Berlin. ISBN: 9781529781328. Sage Publications (Los Angeles). 632 pp.

Course leader

Åsa Thelander,
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Communication


Next course starts 19 September 2024. The registration for this course is now closed.


19/9  9:15-12:00
3/10  9:15-12:00
16/10 9:15-12:00
25/10 9:15-12:00
30/10 9:15-12:00 + 13:15-17:00
3/10 or 14/11 13:00-17:00 Individual discussions in smaller groups
15/1 2025
8:15-12:00 or 13:15-17:00
Examination seminar half group


Course literature that will be handed out when you meet up:
Flick, U.: An introduction to qualitative research (7th edition, paperback). Freie University Berlin. ISBN: 9781529781328. Sage Publications (Los Angeles). 632 pp.

For questions about course registration, confirmation, or upload to Ladok - please contact Åsa Ahnfelt 

For more information on course structure or content - please contact the course leader (contact details below to the left).

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