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Project Management in R&D Projects

Research and Development (R&D) is mainly carried out in projects, both in academia and in companies. Apart from the specialist knowledge there is a need to understand how to manage these projects to ensure as good a result as possible. This course aims to give the participants the basics of project management in relation to R&D projects. It is beneficial for both those whom will be project managers, but also for those taking part in projects as project members.

The subject comprises of central project methods and studying their advantages and limitations. The knowledge areas covered include R&D project success criteria; clear definition of project specifications; planning methods and techniques for R&D programmes; estimating R&D costs; obtaining and allocating resources; R&D organisation, addressing uncertainties in R&D projects; leadership styles for R&D projects; communication in R&D projects.

Aids such as tools and computer support are introduced in the subject course. A project model is also introduced to assist planning, control and execution of projects in R&D projects.

Course structure

The course consists of lectures, seminars, group work, individual reflections and literature surveys. Active participation in course activities and group work is a requirement. Participants are to produce individual written reflections after each session.

For a Pass on the course, participants must attend 80 % of the scheduled course activities and participated actively in seminars and presentations. The participants’ results are continually assessed through group discussions of the individual reflections. The assessment focuses on the participants’ understanding, insight and ability to conduct project management.

The course is taught in English.


To be admitted to the course applicants have to be part of a PhD programme at LTH.


The course corresponds to 3 weeks of full-time work and to 5 credits in third-cycle (PhD) studies (with Pass and Fail as available grades), if this is in line with the individual study plan.


Course leader

Radhlinah Aulin,
PhD, Div. of Construction Management, LTH


This course runs every second spring - next time spring 2025.


For more information - please contact the course leader.

Page Manager: | 2021-12-20