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Academic Writing for Publication in the Engineering and Science Disciplines

The aim of the course is to offer participants an opportunity to improve their communicative strategies and academic writing skills to meet disciplinary demands. An explicit aim is to increase the participants’ awareness of the prevailing publication conventions in their specific field of study, with a primary focus on research articles.

Course structure

The course comprises a series of lectures, workshops and tutorials combined with group exercises and individual assignments. For a Pass on the course, the participant must have attended at least 80 % of the scheduled activities and completed all assignments in the course.

The course is taught in English.


To be admitted to the course applicants have to be part of a PhD programme. Applicants from LTH will be prioritised.

Additionally, applicants must have progressed far enough in their doctoral work that they are ready to begin writing an original research paper. Doctoral students who have not yet gathered enough original results to write their own research article should wait to apply until they are eligible. Applicants who gain a place in the course and are not able to complete the assignments because they are too early in their doctoral work will be removed from the course.

Admission to the course takes into consideration your progress as a doctoral student and whether you are prepared to start writing an original research article. We do our very best to ensure a fair admission process for all. There is no standing waiting list that rolls over from one term to the next, and you should apply for this course if you want to take it this term, regardless of whether you have applied previously.


The course corresponds to 4 weeks of full-time work and to 6 credits in third-cycle (PhD) studies (with Pass and Fail as available grades), if this is in line with the individual study plan.


Course leader

Lene Nordrum, 
Senior lecturer and Academic developer CEE and LU


Please note: The different course sessions run in parallel - the same dates but you apply for either morning or afternoon sessions.

Next courses start 24 September - the registration for those courses is now closed.









Group 1 morning sessions meet

Group 2 afternoon sessions meet 13:15-16

In addition to the lectures you will have obligatory workshops and tutorials.


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