Introductory Workshop for Newly Admitted PhD Students at LTH
The introductory workshop welcomes all newly admitted PhD students to LTH and aims to aid a smooth start of the participants’ doctoral studies. It is compulsory for all research students enrolled at LTH and should be taken during the first year of PhD studies to avoid pitfalls in the beginning of the PhD study programmes. Contents encompass a wide range of knowledge. Themes include the LTH organisation, objectives of doctoral education, general and individual study plans, student-supervisor mutual expectation interviews, PhD courses, the supervision process, scientific information management, procedures-rights-support-obligations in PhD training, presentation of student representatives, international mobility, and academic conduct and ethics in research, and much more.
Course structure
The course (workshop) consists of an introductory half-day physical classroom session, self-service Canvas contents, and a final physical in-class half-day meeting where participants share outcomes of prepared course tasks. For a Pass on the course, participants must have attended all scheduled activities and passed all tasks. The course corresponds to 2 credits in third-cycle studies at LTH (with Pass and Fail as available grades).
The course is held in English.
To be admitted to the course applicants have to be newly (within one year) admitted to a PhD programme at LTH.
The course corresponds to about 1 week of full-time work and to 2 credits in third-cycle (PhD) studies (with Pass and Fail as available grades), if this is in line with the individual study plan.
Course leaders
Öivind Andersson,
Professor and Academic developer at Combustion Engines and CEE
Michael Cimbritz,
Senior lecturer and Academic developer at Chemical Engineering and CEE