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The Good Lecture

The Good Lecture is an elective course within the qualifying programme in teaching and learning in higher education at Lund University. The course is intended primarily for academic teachers with experience from lecturing and it is an advantage if you take the course during a period when you have lectures of your own. Teachers who meet these criteria are given priority to a seat in the course - but all teachers are welcome, space permitting.

A large proportion of academic teaching takes place in the form of lectures. This has advantages and disadvantages, some of which we explore in the course. We also look at different approaches to giving and evaluating lectures. As a participant in the course you will deepen your understanding of the lecture as a teaching method and gain practical experience developing your own lectures.

Course structure

The course has several scheduled meetings (see current schedule) consisting of a combination of lectures, peer teaching, and discussions. Between these meetings you will also work in groups to observe and analyse other lectures, prepare lectures for peer teaching, and produce a short video to be used in your own teaching. To gain course credits for the course, you must attend at least 80% of scheduled course meetings.


To be admitted to the course, participants must normally have a first-cycle degree. We also recommend that you have already taken an introductory course in teaching and learning in higher education, or have equivalent experience.


The course corresponds to two weeks of full-time work. If you wish to gain course credits for three weeks of work you can also choose to complete a written reflection paper that relates your own experience to relevant pedagogical literature and theory. The content and form of the paper are decided in consultation with the course leaders.


Course leader


The course is open for participants from the whole of Lund University - but registration for LTH teachers will be prioritised. 

Next course starts February 2025. 

Please see link below for the same course but in Swedish.

Scheduled course meetings: 

11 February
12 February
11 March
12 March
18 March
23 April

At all occasions, you meet between 13:15-17. Your course leaders will provide information on which rooms you meet in.

Swedish course version

This course is also offered in Swedish:
Den goda föreläsningen


Information is given by the course instuctor.

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