Sustainability Week: LTH discusses solutions to the climate crisis
Reindustrialisation, coastal perspectives, circular construction and carbon capture. The topics addressed by LTH during Sustainability Week 8–13 April include solutions to the climate crisis and how to use the Earth’s resources more carefully. The programme is aimed at everyone who wants to take part in the discussions on the sustainable strategies of the future.
Jessika Sellergren – Publicerad den 27 March 2024

Sustainability Week is the annual event where Lund University and Lund Municipality invite to discussions and action, serious issues and hopeful visions of the future. The week is an occasion when research on climate and sustainability is given special visibility.
Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH, emphasizes that the Sustainability Week is an opportunity to talk together about the solutions of the future, where LTH's research is of great importance and can play an important role in the discussions. She says:
“We need solutions for the future – solutions to the ongoing climate change and overexploitation of the earth's resources. We need to work on these together. The Faculty's participation in the Sustainability Week, with research that both directly and indirectly benefits a more sustainable world, is an important contribution to the discussions on future strategies.“
LTH's program during Sustainability Week:
8 April
Roundtable discussion on sustainable urban development engagement and action
Organizer: Urban arena at Lund University
13.00-14.00 at The Pufendorf Institute, Hörsalen
Roundtable discussion on sustainable urban development engagement and action | Hållbarhetsforum (
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries
Organizer: Lund University Library
8-12 April at 8.00-17.00
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries | Hållbarhetsforum
9 April
Roundtable discussion on Brunnshög as a sustainable innovation platform
Organizer: Urban arena at Lund University
13.00-14.00 at Lund City Library
Roundtable discussion on Brunnshög as a sustainable innovation platform | Hållbarhetsforum (
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries
Organizer: Lund University Library
8-12 April at 8.00-17.00
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries | Hållbarhetsforum
10 April
Four climate solutions: techniques to remove carbon dioxide - CCS, CCU and CDR explained
Organizers: Centre for Sustainability Studies, Sustainability Forum and the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University
8.30-9.30 at The Pufendorf Institute, Hörsalen
Four climate solutions: techniques to remove carbon dioxide - CCS, CCU and CDR explained | Hållbarhetsforum
Sustainable agriculture by research – Gårdstånga Nygård
Organizer: EU-project WATERAGRI at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University
8.30-15.00 at Gårdstånga Nygård
Sustainable agriculture by research – Gårdstånga Nygård | Hållbarhetsforum (
Inkluderande klimatomställning – så kan ekosocial integration bidra till lokal omställning (in Swedish)
10.00-12.00 at The Pufendorf Institute, Hörsalen
Inkluderande klimatomställning – så kan ekosocial integration bidra till lokal omställning | Hållbarhetsforum
Climates of the Mind - A panel on Climate Psychology, Communication and Action
16.00-17.30 at Geocentrum, Rio
Climates of the Mind - A panel on Climate Psychology, Communication and Action | Hållbarhetsforum (
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries
Organizer: Lund University Library
8-12 April at 8.00-17.00
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries | Hållbarhetsforum
11 April
Circularity in the building sector – challenges and opportunities
10.00-12.00 at The Pufendorf Institute, Hörsalen
Circularity in the building sector – challenges and opportunities | Hållbarhetsforum (
Explore your local environment – guided walking tour with environmental psychology
14.00-15.00 in the Botanical Garden
Explore your local environment - guided walking tour with environmental psychology | Hållbarhetsforum (
Pufendorf & Friends: Havet som vän och fiende - det kustnära boendets framtid
16.00-18.00 at The Pufendorf Institute
Pufendorf & Friends: Havet som vän och fiende - det kustnära boendets framtid | Hållbarhetsforum (
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries
Organizer: Lund University Library
8-12 April at 8.00-17.00
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries | Hållbarhetsforum
12 April
Fyra lösningar på klimatkrisen: Nyindustrialisering och elektrifiering (in Swedish)
Organizer: The Faculty of Engineering, Lund University
8.30-9.30 at The Pufendorf Institute, Hörsalen
Fyra lösningar på klimatkrisen: Nyindustrialisering och elektrifiering | Hållbarhetsforum (
Panel discussion on nature-based solutions: Can they tackle climate, biodiversity and health challenges?
Organizer: Nexus research project at Lund University
10.00-11.30 at The Pufendorf Institute, Hörsalen
Panel discussion on nature-based solutions: Can they tackle climate, biodiversity and health challenges? | Hållbarhetsforum
Livepodd: Cirkulärt byggande – med ett mänskliga rättigheters-perspektiv! (in Swedish)
Organizer: ”Klimat för dummies”, Altitude meetings
12.15-13.00 in Botulfshörnan
Livepodd: Cirkulärt byggande – med ett mänskliga rättigheters-perspektiv! | Hållbarhetsforum (
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries
Organizer: Lund University Library
8-12 April at 8.00-17.00
Searching for the Global Goals - Exhibitions and Activities at Lund University Libraries | Hållbarhetsforum