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Project Management in R&D Projects, Specialisation

The course is intended for participants who want to specialise in a certain area of project management. The course deals with an issue in project management selected by the participant in dialogue with the course director.

Course structure

The participants produce an analysis of relevant literature and, in certain cases, compile empirical data to address the selected issue.

Reports are made both orally and in writing (in groups and individually).

For a Pass on the course, participants must have produced an analysis of an area of project management theory and its application, and oral and written reports of the area.


To be admitted to the course applicants have to be part of a PhD programme at LTH and passed the course Project Management in R&D Projects.


The course corresponds to 2 weeks of full-time work and to 3 credits in third-cycle (PhD) studies (with Pass and Fail as available grades), if this is in line with the individual study plan.


Course leader

Radhlinah Aulin, 
PhD, Div. of Construction Management, LTH



For further information please contact the course instructor.

Page Manager: | 2021-12-20