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Supervision of Degree Projects for Industrial Partners

Interested in supervising a student? A degree project (master thesis) in collaboration between industry and university is a great opportunity for development, both for the student and for the supervisor. But how does it work? How can a supervisor support every step in the process - from formulating
the problem to giving feedback on writing?

During spring 2025, CEE is offering a course in supervision exclusively for external partners who want to learn more about supervision of degree projects. We will discuss what it means to be a (co-) supervisor and make sure you have the tools you need to guide and inspire the students on their learning journey. We will cover formal matters and goals for degree projects as well as working through the process from project planning to writing. What do the different roles look like and how do we collaborate and divide the responsibilities in a way that suits both industry and university, both student and supervisor? We will also discuss publishing and questions concerning ethics and integrity.

Course leader is Michael Cimbritz – part of the Department of Process and Life Science Engineering and also the Centre for Engineering Education/CEE at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. Michael teaches courses in research communication and supervision, and he has previously worked in different roles within industry supervising both degree projects and research projects. 

Course structure

We will meet for two sessions (with some work to be done in between):

  • 12 March between 13:00-16:00. This meeting takes place on site at campus LTH.
  • 26 March between 9:00-12:00. This time we meet in Lund, but outside campus LTH.

Register by sending your course leader an e-mail. Note that the course is free of charge.

Course leader

Michael Cimbritz,
Senior lecturer and Academic developer at CEE/LTH


Sign up by sending an e-mail to: 
The course starts 12 March.

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