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Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition

The Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition is engaged in studies of the chemical and physical design of health-promoting food. The physical and chemical changes that take place in food, from field to fork, and the effects of food on our health are being studied. Courses are given in the programmes in Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering. The Department has about 60 employees.

Website of the Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition

Research aspects with products in focus:

Food technology, food chemistry and formulation are areas that deal with the chemical description of molecular and colloidal properties, and highlights the link between biological processes, structure, and quality characteristics of complex systems of e.g. foods, pharmaceuticals and consumer products. 

Research Aspects of processes in focus:

Food engineering and Dairy Technology encompasses the engineering skills of modelling, hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer, performance evaluation needed to design and optimize unit operations, as well as processes and technical systems for the food industry. Dairy Technology also includes functional properties of dairy systems and their influence on processing within the dairy industry. 

Research Aspects with people in focus:

Nutrition considers humans and food, the impact of individual food components, foods or diets has on metabolism, the consequences and mechanisms of over- and undernutrition, and other physiological mechanisms of importance for the health of the consumer. The health effects are studied in relation to chemical and physical properties of the foods. Food hygiene; where the relationship between humans and microbes is in focus, deals with the benefits and the risks created by microorganisms that grow spontaneously, intentionally added or cultured in food. The subject also includes food sensory experiences and system aspects of food production and consumption in society. 

Page Manager: | 2019-04-12