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Academic staff

Anders Ahlberg

I am a former senior lecturer, associate professor (docent) and Excellent Teaching Practitioner/ETP at CEE, where I have engaged in teaching and learning in higher education education and support to LTH teachers - foremost doctoral students and future docents. For many years, I have been the faculty study director at the Research Programmes Board of LTH. From 2025 and onwards, I will be associated with CEE on a freelance basis.

Phone: +46 46 222 71 55
Mobile: +46 761 368 290

Elisabeth Nilsson

I am a senior lecturer in Physics and since the fall of 2022 I work part-time with educational development at my department, at the National Resource Centre for Physics and at the Centre for Engineering Education. Over the years, I have taught physics at most of LTH’s engineering programmes, served as programme director for Engineering Nanoscience, acted as director of studies in Physics and actively participated in various committees and boards within Lund University. Between 2018 and 2022 I worked with developing a Learning Organization at an intergovernmental research organization, the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, in Portugal. At times I serve as a pedagogical expert at various universities. At CEE I mainly work with the ETP-process.

Telefon: +46 46 222 84 53

Ingrid Svensson

I am a senior lecturer and associate professor (docent) in biomedical engineering, hold the title Excellent Teaching Practitioner/ETP, and work part time as an academic developer at CEE. My pedagogical interest is wide, and I have been engaged at different levels and in many different contexts during more than 30 years at LTH. In recent years, I have foremost been involved in assessment of both education and pedagogical competence. In my own work as a university teacher, I have been developing courses and course literature as well as educational programmes.

Phone: +46 46 222 75 25
Mobile: +46 70 234 10 29

Ivar Björnsson

I am a senior lecturer and researcher at the Division of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (LTH), Lund University. I teach varying courses concerning the design and assessment of structures such as buildings and bridges. In my research I have primarily focused on structural safety and reliability, probabilistic risk assessment and decision/information analysis of these types of structures (both new and existing). As a teacher I am engaged in active learning and in establishing a clear link between how structures behave in reality and the theories/methods we use assessing this. Since 2024, I have the role of faculty coordinator at LTH (25%) and act as a link between the faculty (LTH) and Unit of Educational Services (EFU, where the focus is on transforming education in a digital world. To strengthen collaboration between the pedagogic units, I have offices at both CEE and EFU. Digital tools have the potential to improve our teaching and students learning; however, it is critical that we adopt a learning focused approach to be successful.

Phone: +46 46 222 73 99

Jenny Schelin

I am senior lecturer and associate professor in food microbiology and also programme director for the Master's Programme in Pharmaceutical Technology. I work mainly at Applied Microbiology at the Department of Chemistry, but also at Packaging Logistics at the Department of Design Sciences. I teach future biotechnology, chemical and environmental engineers and master students from several different programmes. At Packaging Logistics, I serve as a programme co-coordinator for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree “Food Innovation and Product Design” (FIPDes). The overall focus in my research is food safety and foodborne microbial virulence: in other words, to understand how different food poisoning pathogens survive, grow and produce toxins in different foods, food processing environments, packaging and storage conditions. I hold the title Excellent Teaching Practitioner/ETP and I am regularly an external evaluator in the assessment of teaching skills nationally. Connecting our teaching at LTH to the students' future professional role is something I am particularly passionate about. At CEE, I am mainly involved in the course on developing and leading courses as well as in LTH's pedagogical academy (ETP).

Phone: +46 46 222 03 11 

Jesper Samuelsson

During the autumn of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, I will as a student assistant run a project on how higher education pedagogy affects attendance in classroom teaching. In parallel, I am studying for a Master's degree in environmental engineering with a specialisation in energy systems. During my studies, I have, for example, been involved in my study council, been chairman of the study council, sabbatical officer at Teknologkåren as Head of Internal Educational Affairs, student representative in the Education board at LTH and other student representation assignments in undergraduate education at LTH, LU and for SFS.

My main interests lie in evaluating and identifying parts of the education that particularly contribute to high or low education quality and to concretise proposals for measures that increase the students' commitment and thus their learning in the respective educational content. My goal is that all students and teachers at LTH will be met with engagement to learning, innovation and creativity in all educational environments.


Johan Mauritsson

Professor in atomic physics and since 2023 one of two programme managers for the LTH Career Academy. Until 2023, I have sat on the Career Board and since 2022 I am also a member of LTH's Management Group for Basic Education with a special responsibility for lifelong learning. My research concerns ultrashort laser pulses that we create in the extreme ultraviolet range using high-power lasers. These pulses are used to study how electrons move in atoms and molecules. I enjoy popularising physics and have helped with LTH's Christmas calendar for several years, and I sit on the editorial board of Fysikaktuellt.

Phone: +46 46 222 76 54

Klara Bolander Laksov

At CEE, I hold a 20% Lise Meitner professorship between the years 2023-2025. At the rest of my time,
I work as a professor at the Department of Education, Stockholm University. My research aims to understand how universities can develop conditions for becoming a learning organisation and develop its pedagogical activities. The last few years, I have developed an interest in how leadership can be 'pedagogical' and how such a leadership can be developed. At CEE I co-work with several people and in between I contribute to the pedagogical courses.


Lene Nordrum

I am a lecturer in English, English for specific Purposes at Centre for Languages and Literature at Lund University. I am in charge of most of the Academic Writing courses in doctoral programmes at LTH and conduct research in the field of writing pedagogy and functional linguistics. Before I came to Lund University, I worked with similar issues at Chalmers Technical University. 

Phone: +46 46 222 75 59

Magnus Hagelsteen

I am a lecturer, researcher and pracademic at the division of Risk Management and Societal Safety at Lund University - I am the director of the master's programme in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (DRMCCA) and course coordinator for two interdisciplinary courses in Capacity Development and Societal Resilience. I also work as an academic developer at CEE, where I coordinate the Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) awarding process. I have extensive experience in teaching, adult and student learning, pedagogics, coaching, and of conducting professional training courses at global, regional, national, and local levels. Since 2017, I hold the title ETP. My research interests include capacity development from different perspectives to make society more resilient and sustainable. Geographical work experience from a great many countries like Afghanistan, Botswana, Bhutan, Haiti, and Nepal.

Phone: +46 46 222 98 28

Michael Cimbritz

I am a senior lecturer and associate professor in Water and Environmental Engineering and also study director for the research education at the department of Chemical Engineering. My research is about removal of organic micropollutants, for example pharmaceutical residues, in wastewater. I have a great interest in research supervision and in writing (in Swedish) of engineers and researchers. At CEE, I work with higher education pedagogical education and issues related to postgraduate education.

Phone: +46 46 222 82 95
Mobile: +46 72 522 41 74

Mirjam Glessmer

I am a senoir lecturer and joined LTH as an academic developer in January 2022. My background is in physical oceanography, but for the last decade I’ve worked in academic development and science communication in Germany and Norway. I am very interested in "co-creation", i.e. involving students in developing their education, and helping students feel safe and that they belong at university. I hold an adjunct associate professorship at the University of Bergen where we are introducing co-creation in teaching while at the same time researching it. My pet projects revolve around helping students see disciplinary content in their everyday lives: #KitchenOceanography (exploring ocean physics with household items) and #WaveWatching (discovering physics everywhere, from your sink, a puddle in the street, the ocean). I document some of my thoughts on learning and teaching – especially related to subjects that deal with water, or teaching outdoors or in labs – on my personal blog as well as on Twitter. On Instagram, you can follow my daily wave watching practice. I look forward to connecting with you!

Phone: +46 46 222 94 54
Mobile: +46 73 050 20 40

Roy Andersson

I am a senior lecturer working both as teacher at the Department of Computer Science and as an academic developer at CEE.  As of October 2022, I also act as Director of CEE. I have been working as an academic developer since 1998 and my main interest lays in supporting academics to investigate their practice in a scholarly way, in other words supporting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). I am responsible for the programme of pedagogical courses for university teachers at LTH and teach in several courses myself and am a member of the Pedagogical Academy at LTH since 2002. Since 2015, I also hold a part-time position as an associate guest professor at the Centre for Excellence in Biology Education (bioCEED) at the University of Bergen.

Phone: +46 46 222 49 07

Sandra Nilsson

I am a lecturer in computer ccience, part time academic developer at CEE, and Excellent Teaching Practitioner/ETP. My special interests are within assessment, evaluation, threshold concepts and cognitive processes - with a special focus on how students learn and how active teaching and minimization of stereotypes threats can enhance learning. At CEE, I am co-responsible for the course Active Teaching and Learning and at Computer Science, I teach fundamental programming for different programs at LTH.

Phone: +46 46 222 03 68

Sara Ek

Professor in immunotechnology and since 2023 one of two programme managers for the LTH Career Academy. In recent years, I have had various assignments at LU, as head of department, member of the Research Committee at LTH, and from now on I sit on LU's Board. My research is about how the immune system interacts with cancer cells, and aims to understand how these mechanisms can be used to improve treatment for patients. I have experience in commercialising my research and run doctoral/postdoc programmes with a focus on clinical implementation and innovation.

Phone: +46-46 222 38 24

Thomas Olsson

I am a former senior lecturer in engineering education and hold a PhD in chemical engineering. Nowadays, I work at CEE on an freelance basis and my work is mainly focusing on systems for rewarding excellent teaching, pedagogical aspects of tenure and promotion, as well as research projects in relation to excellence in teaching and learning. I have been holding workshops, seminars and keynotes about excellence in university teaching, both nationally and internationally, and I have been acting as a pedagogical expert at numerous appointments and promotions of academic teachers at different universities. I am actively involved in research on excellence in teaching and learning with partners from other countries, most notably South Africa.

Phone: +46 46 222 76 90

Torgny Roxå

I have been involved in academic development for more than 30 years. I teach pedagogical courses for academic teachers, I consult leaders and teachers, and I supervise doctoral students. My research deals mainly with development of teaching within higher education organisations. Hereby, the focus is on the meso level, that is, on workgroups, disciplinary communities, and departments. The idea is that through sociocultural processes these groups of academics stabilise the organisations and makes them resilient, with positive as well as negative implications. I also engage in the development of the profession, academic development, both nationally and internationally. Over the years I have been an external examiner at Oxford University and a visiting professor at Ulster University and at McMaster University. I also served for three years as vice president within the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Phone: +46 706 57 28 32

Vincent Loft

During the autumn 2024 and spring 2025, I am employed as a student assistant at CEE in a project connected to Generative AI - GenAI. The adaption required by GenAI has already started, and a big part of what has been changed deals with the ensuring of legally secure exams. Therefore, the project will examine whether GenAI could be used to enhance the students’ understanding of and engagement in educational content and with that be contributing to a better quality of the education. As a student assistant I am also studying full time. Now, I am doing my master within Energy Engineering after four years at the Environmental Engineering Programme. During my time at LTH I have been interested in educational issues within different areas together with leadership, and in that context been chairman for the W section, engaged with the W section study council, and full time working within the Student union as responsible for educational issues. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any thoughts on the project or other interesting things going on!


Öivind Andersson

I am a Professor in Energy Sciences, and I also work with the development of teaching and learning in higher education at CEE. My research deals with energy conversion in vehicles, with a special focus on hydrogen gas. I take a great interest in doctoral supervision and on a regular basis I teach a faculty-wide PhD course in experimental methodology. Another area that engages me is doctoral students’ academic writing. As a doctoral supervisor I have developed courses as well as course literature and at CEE I work mostly with questions related to doctoral education and supervision. I am also the faculty study director for the doctoral education at the Research Programmes Board of LTH. 

Phone: +46 73 222 58 91


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