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News | LTH Profile Area: Aerosols

8 July 2024

A discussion on semiconductors was on the agenda in Almedalen. The dialogue, hosted by LTH at Lund University, addressed how Sweden can contribute to the efforts being made in Europe. One of the conclusions of the discussion was "the crisper the proposal – the more policy influence".

27 March 2024

Reindustrialisation, coastal perspectives, circular construction and carbon capture. The topics addressed by LTH during Sustainability Week 8–13 April include solutions to the climate crisis and how to use the Earth’s resources more carefully. The programme is aimed at everyone who wants to take part in the discussions on the sustainable strategies [...]

12 January 2024

PhD scholarships dedicated to hydrogen combustion engine technology are now initiated by the Volvo Group in collaboration with two technical universities in Sweden. Two PhD students will conduct their research at Chalmers University of Technology and at LTH, Lund University, while being employed by the Volvo Group. Recruitment will start during the [...]

10 October 2023

All particles that reach the atmosphere cause different chemical reactions. Particles come partly from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires, and partly from pollution and emissions. Aerosol researcher Johan Friberg studies particles at high altitudes. He fears that the global increase in forest fires could have a significant [...]

20 September 2023

Ice sheets, snow and the ocean as far as the eye can see. No shipping vessels or people in sight, and only polar bears for company. The icebreaker Oden sails between Svalbard and Greenland, and this spring, doctoral student Lovisa Nilsson joined the ship to study the transition from winter to summer in the Arctic, and how soot affects the melting [...]

18 July 2023

A lab where you can “craft” new materials on the atomic level, bringing together cross-disciplinary scientists to produce nanomaterials and semiconductor components. A neighborhood with major research infrastructures, complementary to each other. And most important: an open environment where academia, industry, and society can meet and collaborate, [...]

21 June 2023

The LU tent will soon be raised in Visby for two days of panel discussions. The University’s programme for Almedalen Week highlights the global challenges we are facing – such as air pollution and food poverty. However, the programme also inspires hope of finding solutions in external engagement between academia and society at large.

30 May 2023

Nanoparticles can be used to discover illness in the lungs. The method of measurement – based on inhaling particles – is easy to use and could serve as a complement to other lung examinations. The method has now been tested on more than 800 people, and the results look promising, according to a new thesis on aerosol technology at the Faculty of [...]

5 May 2023

ACTRIS is a state-of-the-art European research infrastructure within atmospheric science. The European Commission has now decided to establish ACTRIS ERIC – a consortium for research infrastructures linked to aerosols, clouds and reactive trace gases in order to increase knowledge about climate change and air pollution. The consortium includes 17 [...]

16 August 2022

The Sparbanksstiftelsen Färs and Frosta awards the Sparbanken Skåne Prize to a new doctor at LTH for particularly outstanding doctoral thesis. In 2022, the prize will be awarded to Louise Green for her thesis in the subject of Aerosol Technology.