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Study plan

  • To be accepted for exchange studies at LTH, you must follow a full-time study plan of 30 credits each semester.
  • Aim for a well-balanced study plan with an average workload of 15 credits in each study period.

Course disposition

The illustration below shows an example of how you can divide your courses over a study year. One example is four courses á 7.5 credits per semester. Another example is one course á 15 credits, and two courses á 7.5 credits each per semester. A third option is two courses á 15 credits per semester.

Sudy plan example. Desription in text below. Illustration.

Course selection

  • Explore the available courses under “Find exchange courses” in the menu.
  • Engineering students: You are allowed to combine courses freely from different engineering programs.
    • Verify the prerequisites and assumed prior knowledge for each course and generate your schedule.
  • Architecture and Industrial design students: Follow the instructions regarding course selection and portfolio under Courses in Architecture/Industrial Design. 

Course changes

Keep in mind that changing courses requires a lot of work for teachers and staff. The deadline for changing courses is 5 January for Spring, and 13 August for Autumn. For more information: Key Dates

If you need to apply for new courses, do the following:

  • Engineering students: Send a course request to . In the e-mail you should include: course code, course name and the eligibility form for the new course.
  • Architecture and Industrial Design: Send a course request to In the e-mail you should include: course code and course name.

You should have in mind: 

  • Carefully plan your study choices, as the Faculty of Engineering LTH does not have an Add & Drop courses period.
  • Changes to the study plan for the semester after the deadline are generally not accepted.
  • Remember to discuss your course choices with your home university for validation before including alternative courses.


Confirmation and registration

  • Once your study plan is confirmed, you’ll be able to see the final course application result in SoleMove.
  • Approved courses will be registered in the Lund University study documentation system (Ladok).
  • Additional information will be provided after your arrival in Lund.

Exchange process key dates

Schedule generator

Schedule for Spring 2025

Schedule clashes

Some clashes are fine while others are not.

This is how we recommend that you analyse your schedule:

  • Laboratory session
    Usually not a problem! Teachers book several sessions but you'll only lab once a week or so.
    Talk to your teacher on the first day of classes to get placed in the lab group that fits your schedule the best.
  • Lecture/exercise
    It's doable if it's only a few clashes all together, but not more than that.
  • Exam/presentation
     Absolutely no clashes allowed.

FAQ on exchange studies

FAQ on exchange studies

Page Manager: | 2020-08-27