Industrial Design
Admission requirements
- Only students enrolled at an Industrial Design program at their home university can apply for courses at the School of Industrial Design at LTH.
- Submission of specific required application documents (below).
Required application documents
As an applicant for exchange studies at the School of Industrial Design, you are required to submit the following documents that demonstrate that you have the necessary qualifications to benefit from the exchange period:
A first page where you state:
- which semester you are planning to study at the School of Industrial Design.
- which semester of industrial design studies you would be studying at your home university if you were not to go on exchange.
- which courses you want to pursue.
A presentation of your design work.
If a group work is presented, indicate clearly the role that you played in the project.
If professional work is presented, indicate clearly your contribution to the project.
The digital portfolio must be submitted as a PDF file not larger than 10 MB.
It should describe in detail your motivations for applying (one page maximum).
Be sure to include your contact information in the CV.
OBS! These documents should be assemble in one PDF file. If you must send more than one file, add a sequence number before the ".pdf" extension.
Important information for your application
- You may not combine courses from different semesters. Exchange students at the School of Industrial Design must follow one course package (semester) in the ordinary BA or MA programme. It is not possible to freely combine courses from different course packages since it will cause clashes in the schedule.
- The students admitted to exchange studies will automatically be offered courses belonging to the course package (semester) within the Industrial Design program in which they will be placed after the portfolio screening.
- Full-time studies at Lund University correspond to 30 credits per semester. The study plan must be done for 30 credits per semester and you are responsible for ensuring that the courses can be accredited at the home university.
Courses - Autumn semester 2025 (study period 1-2) - Preliminary
- Check the courses from the Industrial program
- Bachelor level courses: Programme KID (24/25) (
- Master level courses: Programme MID (24/25) (
- You can select courses that have a check mark (✓) in the column with the portfolio/suitcase icon. This indicates that the course is open for exchange students.
- You are supposed to choose one semester from the Industrial Design program that you want to pursue.
- It is not possible to combine courses from different semesters (except KID2).
To be able to have full-time studies (30 credits), the students are encouraged to select an extra course from another semester from the School of Industrial Design.