”Thank you to all LTH researchers who produce this cutting-edge research”
DEAN'S BLOG. With strong research environments and advanced infrastructure in the shape of laboratories and mechanical workshops, LTH has the capacity to attract talent, external engagement partners and external research funding, writes Dean of LTH, Annika Olsson.
– Published 25 January 2024

As 2024 begins, many continue to feel anxious about developments in Sweden, our region and the world. News feeds are dominated by centres of unrest and climate impacts, and in many countries we see democracy and openness being threatened.
At LTH, a new year begins in which we aim, in spite of all that, to view the future with confidence, and in which we contribute glimmers of hope in the shape of graduates, research success and more that can contribute to a better world.
At the turn of the year, we received the good news that Lund University is the most successful higher education institution in Sweden when it comes to funding allocation from Horizon Europe. The University is climbing in global rankings, and is now the ninth most successful higher education institution in Europe.
It brings me great pleasure that LTH is a major contributor to this outstanding result, one that shows that we have research that is at the cutting edge globally.
So I would like to give a big thank you to all LTH researchers who continue to produce this cutting-edge research and the excellence that is a prerequisite for successfully attracting external funding, including EU funding.
Without external funding, LTH’s research would not survive, so it is therefore extra important to have researchers who actively seek research funding and are leading in both Europe and the world through their excellence in many areas (see our profile areas).
With LTH’s reliance on external funding comes vulnerability, since basic funding from the public purse is not that large.
As Dean of LTH, however, I am optimistic. With our strong research environments and the advanced infrastructure we possess in terms of laboratories and mechanical workshops, LTH has the capacity to attract talent, external engagement partners and external research funding.
We are located in a very special place. Our corner of Lund – now known as Lund Innovation District – is home to MAX IV, ESS and a creative innovation environment which will attract researchers and innovators from around the world.
LTH continues to strive to develop technology, design and architecture – through education, research and external engagement. From our green campus in Lund, a 45-minute train ride takes you to Copenhagen Airport and on to global horizons.
We are an important player when it comes to contributing to solutions to the challenges facing humanity – and we have colleagues working hard with their sights set on exploring and creating to the benefit of the world.
Right now, we are worried by war, conflict and anti-democratic tendencies around the world that could at worst destroy the conditions upon which education and research depend, and that threaten free academia.
It is a reminder to all of us that we at LTH must always continue to teach expertise for the future and continue to develop our campus environments and infrastructure.
We will build upon and continue to develop what we already have: A very good platform for strong education, research and external engagement that – today and in the future – provide answers to questions, create good living conditions and benefit industry and society.
Annika Olsson
Dean of LTH