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Eduardo Medeiros research deals with providing very fast and reliable Internet access through twisted pair cables. In the past, these were used to connect homes all the way to telephone operator exchanges. Nowadays they are used in short distances from a street cabinet to your apartment or inside buildings.

ELLIIT Nyhetsblad 15 – March 2018


ELLIIT publication in Nature • WASP initiative on AI • SSF’s Cybersecurity Call • Nordic Industrial Hub on Industrial IoT • Joint User Activity and Non-Coherent Data Detection in mMTC-Enabled Massive MIMO Using Machine Learning Algorithms • Massive MIMO Has Unlimited Capacity • LiU/ISY/Communication systems launches YouTube channel • Cross disciplinary program on Working and Organizing in the Digital age..


Examples of the hybrid deployment of fiber and copper cables
It is possible to get a fiber-like Internet speed without bothering about pulling a fiber home. Ultra-fast Internet speeds are coming through the regular copper based phone lines. The latest technology behind this buzz is The main idea of is to make fibers and phone lines complement each other in a hybrid fiber-copper network: using fiber to guarantee the high-speed backbone over long distance, and using the copper lines to cover the last-mile transmission.


From left: Professor Daniel Sjöberg (supervisor), Lund university, Andreas Ericsson, Professor Stefano Maci (opponent), University of Siena.
Electromagnetic waves play a key role in the communication networks that today encompass the whole world. These waves interact with obstacles in several different ways. For example are waves generated, redirected and absorbed when illuminating different objects and structures. Controlling these interactions, and designing structures that enhance certain features of them, can result in very interesting effects. Structures that interact with electromagnetic waves in a purposeful way are referred to as functional structures. These functional structures of various materials are the focus of the research that ended in the PhD Thesis newly presented by Andreas Ericsson, Department of Electrical and Information Technology, LTH, Lund university.


Nicolae Paladi
Computers are essential to running the services we use daily. Increasingly, we do not need to own a computer; computing is done on centralised computing platforms – known as clouds – operated by cloud service providers. While clouds collect, store and process massive amounts of data, users have very few or no possibilities to obtain guarantees about the security of their computations, data, and communications and computations in the cloud. In his PhD thesis, Nicolae Paladi describes mechanisms to both verify the security of the cloud computing platforms and protect the most security sensitive data.


Övre bilden: (a) En bild på en vertikal nanotråd tagen med i ett svepelekronmikroskop. (b) Samman bild som i figur (a) fast nu är de olika segmenten färgade. Varje segment är gjord av ett annat halvledarmaterial. Den streckade kvadraten visar regionen där tunnlingen sker. (c) En schematisk bild av en färdig tunneltransistor.

Nedre bilden: Dr. Elvedin Memisevics. Avhandlingen ”Vertical III-V Nanowire Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor” kan laddas ned från
Traditionella transistorer är platta, tillverkade av halvledarmaterialet kisel och blir mycket varma. Dessutom kan de inte göras mycket mindre utan att kortslutas – en viktig förklaring till att Moores lag om kontinuerligt ökande prestanda ser vägs ände. Doktorsavhandlingen som Elvedin Memisevic lade fram den 14 september 2017 utmanar de traditionella transistorerna på flera fronter. I korthet går strategin ut på att ersätta kiseln med andra halvledarmaterial som har bättre ledningsegenskaper. Dessa material framställs i form av vertikala nanotrådar, vilket innebär att transistorerna är tredimensionella.


From left: Mark Taylor (General Manager at Desoutter Industrial Tool), Mansoor Hanif (British Telecom), Erik Bengtsson (Lund University), Mark Beach (University of Bristol), Ben Lavasa (NI), Jon Excell: Editor - The Engineer
September 6th, 2017 - the Communication Engineering group at department of EIT, Lund University together with research groups at University of Bristol, National Instruments, and British Telecom, were announced the winners in the category ‘Information, Data & Connectivity’ at The Engineer: Collaborate to Innovate (C2I) Awards 2017, with their project ‘Setting World Records in 5G Wireless Spectral Efficiency using Massive Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO)’.


Vid årsskiftet knoppas MAPCI av från Lunds universitet och blir ett fristående institut under RISE
Forskningsinstitutet MAPCI knoppas av från Lunds universitet och blir ett fristående institut under RISE – svenska statens ägarbolag för forskningsinstitut. Förändringen är beslutad av MAPCI:s ägare och sker vid årsskiftet. Samtidigt justeras inriktningen mot att omfatta olika typer av uppkoppling, industriell IoT och mobil hälsa. Totalt satsas 16 miljoner kronor under tre år.
Page Manager: | 2017-09-22