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15 May 2014

Imagine a fresh, crunchy salad that has been… frozen and defrosted? A unique method of freezing vegetables and fruit that keeps cells alive has been developed, and patented, at Lund University in Sweden. The researchers say that within a year, fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables could be available in the middle of winter. “When we keep the [...]

15 April 2014

Paying for a coffee or lunch by simply scanning your palm still sounds like science fiction to most of us. However, an engineering student at Lund University in Sweden has made it happen - making his the first known company in the world to install the vein scanning technique in stores and coffee shops. Fredrik Leifland got the idea for his start-up [...]

8 April 2014

The ECED, European Convention of Engineering Deans, was organised in April at LTH. For two days, everything from student recruitment to the use of global research facilities was discussed. The main theme was ‟Engineers for a connected world”. In total, around 80 vice-chancellors and deans from around twenty countries visited Lund and LTH. The [...]

31 March 2014

A group of engineering students at Lund University in Sweden noticed there was a rather lacklustre range of veggie burgers available in supermarkets, despite a growing demand for green products. And sure enough - too many additives, no flavour, and no texture, were common complaints they came across when they asked consumers. WATCH: how to create [...]

28 February 2014

Gasoline in truck diesel engines can give more than 50% efficiency if the combustion process is done correctly WATCH: How a new engine type could improve fuel efficiency A modified diesel engine running on gasoline could be a way of significantly reducing truck emissions, according to research at Lund University in Sweden. New fuel efficiency [...]

27 February 2014

Inhaling candle smoke has a positive effect on how the heart regulates its rhythm, a study at Lund University in Sweden has found. One theory is that the salts of sodium and potassium in the candle smoke affect the rhythm regulation. The study concluded that the variability in heart frequency increases when someone inhales candle smoke, even at [...]

10 January 2014

GOOGLE GLASS IS one of Google’s latest and most exciting projects in which user-friendliness – not technology – is the focus. One of the key people behind the glasses which always provide an answer is Swedish Isabelle Olsson, an industrial design graduate from Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering, LTH. LTH News obtained an exclusive interview [...]

19 December 2013

Professors Lihong Wang, Washington University, and Leslie Banks-Sills, Tel Aviv University, have been awarded the 2013 honorary doctorates at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. Leslie Banks-Sills is honoured for her work to develop ‘composites’, in which the best properties of several different materials are combined to produce [...]

31 October 2013

With a 108th place ranking, Lund University is among the top 150 universities in the world when it comes to the employability of its students, according to the Emerging Employability University Ranking. The list is compiled by the French Human Resources consultancy group Emerging Associates together with German polling and research institute [...]

17 October 2013

A new simple and affordable method of detecting early malaria, sleeping sickness and even certain types of cancer and bacterial diseases at an early stage is being developed in a consortium with Lund University in the lead. A grant of EUR 4.2 million from the EU has been received to finalise the ‘lab-on-a-chip’ technique. VIDEO STORY “We have [...]

9 October 2013

Four researchers at Lund University have been awarded SEK 73 million in prestigious grants from the European Research Council (ERC). The grants go to research on Alzheimer’s disease, self-constructing nanoparticles, electron studies using ultrafast camera flashes, and nanowires. In the announcement of the ERC grants, Lund University topped the [...]

18 September 2013

”My name is Annika Olsson, and as of July I am an Assistant Dean at the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, and will be focusing on collaboration and innovation. This role will be both exciting and challenging. My duties fall exactly in the area that I feel most inspired by, and that I see as a prerequisite to success for universities in general, and [...]

17 September 2013

Wireless communication is a runaway success with the public, but the number of bits that our systems need to carry is growing faster than traditional transmission methods can sustain. How can we carry more bits through a given space and radio spectrum? A number of ways are being explored at EIT, and one that was pioneered here is called faster than [...]

11 September 2013

Five quick questions to Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Director of Future Energy and Mobility Structures at Wuppertal Institute in Germany, currently doing guest research at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. Stefan Lechtenböhmer is appointed as guest professor at the Division of Energy and Environmental Systems Studies with financial support [...]

5 September 2013

Vattenhallen Science Centre LTH at Lund University has received a development grant of SEK 4 million from the Färs & Frosta Savings Bank Foundation. The money will be the first contribution to a planned extension, which will more than triple the size of the popular attraction. Färs & Frosta’s grant is earmarked for high-tech audiovisual technology [...]