Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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På fredag invigs vinter-OS i sydkoreanska Pyeongchang. Men de olympiska spelen är också den första stora uppvisningen i tävlingen mot nästa generations mobilsystem – 5G.


Liang Liu, departement of electrical and information technology, LTH at Lund university, have received Göran Linds Prize (40.000 SEK) from the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund.  About the Royal Physiographic Society of...[more]


Pietro Andreani, departement of electrical and information technology, LTH at Lund university,  has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for his contributions to CMOS integrated voltage-controlled oscillators. About the IEEE Fellow...[more]


It is possible to get a fiber-like Internet speed without bothering about pulling a fiber home. Ultra-fast Internet speeds are coming through the regular copper based phone lines. The latest technology behind this buzz is[more]


Electromagnetic waves play a key role in the communication networks that today encompass the whole world. These waves interact with obstacles in several different ways. For example are waves generated, redirected and absorbed...[more]


Computers are essential to running the services we use daily. Increasingly, we do not need to own a computer; computing is done on centralised computing platforms – known as clouds – operated by cloud service providers. While...[more]


I år gick de pedagogiska priset ”Den gyllene pekpinnen”* till Linus Karlsson vid institutionen för Elektro- och Informationsteknik.  [more]


Traditionella transistorer är platta, tillverkade av halvledarmaterialet kisel och blir mycket varma. Dessutom kan de inte göras mycket mindre utan att kortslutas – en viktig förklaring till att Moores lag om kontinuerligt ökande...[more]


September 6th, 2017 - the Communication Engineering group at department of EIT, Lund University together with research groups at University of Bristol, National Instruments, and British Telecom, were announced the winners in the...[more]


On September 5-6 over 130 participants from more than 30 different organizations gathers at Lund University to discuss system design on silicon at the annual Circuit Design workshop. The program mix invited presentations...[more]