Elektro- och informationsteknik

Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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September 6th, 2017 - the Communication Engineering group at department of EIT, Lund University together with research groups at University of Bristol, National Instruments, and British Telecom, were announced the winners in the...[more]


On September 5-6 over 130 participants from more than 30 different organizations gathers at Lund University to discuss system design on silicon at the annual Circuit Design workshop. The program mix invited presentations...[more]


Forskningsinstitutet MAPCI knoppas av från Lunds universitet och blir ett fristående institut under RISE – svenska statens ägarbolag för forskningsinstitut. Förändringen är beslutad av MAPCI:s ägare och sker vid årsskiftet....[more]


Budgetpropositionen 2017350th anniversary in Lund with digital weekExploratory testing exploredEmelie Engström (LU/CS) received ELLIIT fundingNew web-tool for software testingFirst Massive MIMO mobility testsELLIIT Nyhetsblad 14...[more]


Budgetpropositionen 2017350th anniversary in Lund with digital weekExploratory testing exploredEmelie Engström (LU/CS) received ELLIIT fundingNew web-tool for software testingFirst Massive MIMO mobility testsELLIIT Nyhetsblad 14...[more]


Det mångprisade startupföretaget Sensative på MAPCI Innovation Lab går in i forskningsprojektet CONVINcE. Sensatives teknik för övervakning av sensorer ska hjälpa CONVINcE-projektet att forska fram lösningar som sänker...[more]


Grand Competitive Driving Challenge 2016REFSQ conference140 character publicationLise Meitner guest professorWASP starts upMassive MIMO as Enabler for Communications with Drone Swarms ELLIIT Nyhetsblad 13 - April 2016[more]


Grand Competitive Driving Challenge 2016REFSQ conference140 character publicationLise Meitner guest professorWASP starts upMassive MIMO as Enabler for Communications with Drone Swarms ELLIIT Nyhetsblad 13 - April 2016[more]


The Future of ELLIITThe Wallenberg Autonomous System Program (WASP) startsLund University Robotics Week, November 23-27 2015Positioning using Massive MIMOBronze medal to JaCoPLiU-CVL's visual object tracking method SRDCFRobot...[more]


The Future of ELLIITThe Wallenberg Autonomous System Program (WASP) startsLund University Robotics Week, November 23-27 2015Positioning using Massive MIMOBronze medal to JaCoPLiU-CVL's visual object tracking method SRDCFRobot...[more]