A technology library for vertical nanowire transistors towards 100 GHz wireless communication and beyond

Stefan Andrić . Photo: Adam Jönsson

Summary of the technology platform: high-frequency circuit, compiled using device and circuit component models, illustrating the unique scaling capabilities of the novel nanowire devices.
Wireless hardware can currently communicate with wavelengths of up to 6 GHz. To go beyond this, towards the interval 10 to 100 GHz, the performance of the parts of the computer chips that process the signals from and to antennas need to be improved. This can be done by further shrinking the distance between transistors and other components, but also by modifying the shape and direction of the transistors, as well as the mix of materials. But what also is very important is to build documented knowledge base for the engineers that actually will design the chips. The research described in Stefan Andrić’s PhD thesis is connected mostly to the development of this know-how for the design of nano-scaled devices, focusing on novel materials and geometries. On May 28th, at 9.15 AM Stefan Andrić defends his thesis “III-V Nanowire MOSFET High-Frequency Technology Platform”.
On May 28th, Stefan Andrić, a PhD student at the department of electrical and information technology, LTH, Lund University defends his PhD thesis “III-V Nanowire MOSFET High-Frequency Technology Platform”. We have spoken to him.
”Many chip designers require something called a technology library, to accurately connect billions of transistors on a tiny chip. Therefore, I’ve attempted to build one such library for a novel nanowire technology, in hope it can be used by those designers. This way, we communicate the advantage of the novel technology and demonstrate its potential, which attracts interest from industry and academia alike”, says Stefan Andrić.”
What made you want to pursue a PhD in nano electronics?
“Initially, it was driven by the job market, as I was not able to find a good position. Additionally, I thought that I could try to merge the electronics bachelor and nanoscience master studies into a single field where they overlap. As luck would have it, that exact position appeared in the Nanoelectronics group at EIT in Lund. The fact that I was able to efficiently combine the two interests of mine: the science of nanostructures, and the electronics engineering, resulted in this thesis. I always considered it to be the greatest asset to the work carried out in the thesis – both the lab processing and the circuit design and modelling.”
How do you believe the results will come to use?
“It is only briefly mentioned in thesis, since it is not the focus of the work, but it permeates every corner of it, and without it, it would not be possible to obtain any circuit response – the nanowire MOSFET high-frequency compact model as such. The strength of the model allows not only for describing the novel device structures, but also to apply the device in circuit design – which has a great practical aspect for both industry and academia!
What are your plans?
“There is this saying: ‘The world is your oyster!’ After completing thesis work, I feel that I can in fact tackle any electronics task ahead of me. Such empowerment feels good, truly…”, he concludes.
Jonas Wisbrant