An inclusive work environment - Norm awareness in practice

2024-03-12 13:15
Place: E-house, E:A
Contact: kaan [dot] bur [at] eit [dot] lth [dot] se
David Flato
The workshop combines basic theory with humour, practical exercises and everyday examples of how different norms affect our treatment of each other. The different grounds for discrimination are linked together and you will gain knowledge about how they interact and the mechanisms that lie behind and create inequality.
We all have different experiences and values that affect how we treat each other - often unconsciously. This workshop aims wants to stimulate people's desire to change because they themselves feel that they are developing, not because someone else demands it. This requires a large portion of humour and humility. It is about creating inspiration and seeing things outside your own normative bubble. We all have a lot to gain from counteracting prejudices and seeing the norms that exist in our workplaces.
Mingle after the workshop: Coffee and cake will be served in the foyer.
Registration is not needed but will be appreciated. Please use this link →→ https://www.eit.lth.se/ws-jamstallt