Evolution of the Prehuman Hominid

Från tetrapoderna utvecklades däggdjuren och för 65 miljoner år sedan primaterna. De högre primaterna var trädlevande, vilket innebär att

människans närmaste förfäder hominiderna utvecklades i den skyddande skogen.

From Tetrapoda to Hominid

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The tree-dwelling Hominid

Livet i träden formade hominidens kropp. Seendet, armen, handgreppet och smidigheten blev egenskaper som fördes med i evolutionen.


Rolf Edberg skriver i At the Foot of the Tree: A Wanderer’s Musings (1974)


”The plant and animal worlds are oriented in different directions. Trees and plants are the primary ways life reveals itself. They form the direct connection between the sun’s energy and the nourishment of the earth; they strive almost exclusively upward. Their orientation is vertical. Animals are the secondary life forms – they live from the air emitted by the plants and both directly and indirectly from the nourishment stored in plants. Animals’ orientation is horizontal. Their muzzles, noses and snouts seek towards the ground and their gaze along the earth.

However, primates must have developed a partially-upright gait early on. The architecture of the trees offered a sitting position; acrobatics amongst the branches stretched out the body; down on the ground it became natural to move with little support from the forelimbs – as hands were tools for gripping and not suited to a four-legged gait like the paws, claws and hooves of other mammals. The potential for walking upright was present with this sort of half-upright gait, shifted a few degrees from the horizontal.


Walking upright was a tendency that an animal, driven from paradise, could and must develop –

it became essential for survival. The limbs adapted little by little to the new movements and eventually the rear limbs lost their gripping ability. The foot widened out and the rear of it became a heel, which lent stability and balance to the upright position. In the widened foot and heel lay the nascent possibility for ranging.


With their upright gait, the primates to a large extent copied the trees they had crawled down from. The primates became the animal kingdom’s only vertical species – a mammal with the upright orientation of the trees. It wasn’t a new idea when the Spanish cultural philosopher Salvador de Madariaga, in an apropos turn of phrase declared that man is ’a tree that uprooted itself and began to walk around.’


In Nordic mythology, Ask and Embla – which mean ash and elm respectively, are the first humans. Their myth contains the seeds of both insight and wisdom.”

Walking upright was a tendency that an animal, driven from paradise, could and must develop –

it became essential for survival. The limbs adapted little by little to the new movements and eventually the rear limbs lost their gripping ability. The foot widened out and the rear of it became a heel, which lent stability and balance to the upright position. In the widened foot and heel lay the nascent possibility for ranging.


With their upright gait, the primates to a large extent copied the trees they had crawled down from. The primates became the animal kingdom’s only vertical species – a mammal with the upright orientation of the trees. It wasn’t a new idea when the Spanish cultural philosopher Salvador de Madariaga, in an apropos turn of phrase declared that man is ’a tree that uprooted itself and began to walk around.’


In Nordic mythology, Ask and Embla – which mean ash and elm respectively, are the first humans. Their myth contains the seeds of both insight and wisdom.”

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Homeless HOminid

Oavsett hur det skett, så befinner sig hominiden efter skogskrympningen på savannen. En ny tillvaro uppstår i det öppna landskapet utan trädens eller vattnets skydd. Miljökatastrofen med skogens minskning blir en utmaning som hominiden måste klara – och som leder framåt till människans tillblivelse. ”Den goda miljökatastrofen”, är det kanske möjligt att säga.

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Kokkonsten – en evolutionär nyckel. Teorin om matlagning som nyckeln till den mänskliga evolutionen har lanserats under senare år.

För ca 1,9 miljoner år sedan ändrades anatomin. Tänderna blev mindre, kroppsstorleken ökade och hjärnan växte. Detta kan ha orsakats av att kvaliteten på kosten höjdes. Födan fick ett lägre fiberinnehåll, flera lättsmälta kolhydrater och flera tillgängliga näringsämnen. Förbättringen kan ha skett genom matlagning vilket ökar matsmältningen. Man behövde därmed också mindre föda för att tillfredsställa kroppens näringsmässiga behov. Samtidigt med matlagningen kom ett utvidgat kosthåll bland annat genom rötter som med beredning kunde göras ätbara. Kokkonsten kan därför enligt teorin förklara den utveckling som homo erectus genomgick.

Evolution to COQUOLUTION

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